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China Issues Plan for Preserving, Using Cultural Relics Along Yellow River

2024-06-03 22:01:32 source:Culture Connection news portalViews:752次
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China Issues Plan for Preserving, Using Cultural Relics Along Yellow River

 July 19, 2022

BEIJING, July 18 (Xinhua) — Chinese authorities have issued a plan for preserving and using cultural relics along the Yellow River, pledging to establish a database of such resources along the "mother river" of the Chinese nation by 2025, the National Cultural Heritage Administration said in a statement on Monday.

A special survey on cultural heritage will be carried out, aiming to find out the number, types, distribution and characteristics of cultural relics along the river, said the plan, noting a list of major cultural relics will be released after the survey.

Cultural relics identified in the survey will be combined with the distinctive culture associated with the Yellow River to form an exhibition system under nine themes including the origin of humanity, history of civilization and revolutionary traditions, said the plan.


(Source: Xinhua)


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